How To Find A Reliable Roofing Contractor

Finding the right roofing contractorFinding the right roofing contractor isn’t something that should cause you stress. Although this may seem like a daunting task, choosing the right person for this job is actually much easier than you may think if you keep these 6 tips in mind.

Ask About Insurance

Any roofing company that doesn’t have the proper type and amount of insurance coverage is one you’ll want to run far, far away from as fast as possible. Make sure your roofing contractor has both worker’s compensation and liability insurance with coverage maximums over $500,000. When you ask for these certificates, they should be able to show them to you right away. If they don’t have this insurance, you could be the one who’s liable for anything that goes wrong – a risk you don’t want to take.

Choose Someone Who’s Local

When you choose to work with a local company, you’ll be able to know about the reputation they’ve established for themselves. You can also rest assured that they’ll still be around in 5 – 10 years if you need a repair that’s covered by your warranty.

Don’t be Fooled by Their “Deals”

As you look through the bids you receive, always get rid of any that are markedly lower than the others because you can rest assured that this isn’t a legitimate roofing contractor. Remember, the price you’re quoted reflects insurance and overhead costs that are associated with running a legitimate business. When you receive a lowball bid, you know that costs are being cut somewhere – usually when it comes to workmanship. While this will save you some money now, you’ll probably need additional repairs soon.

Don’t Choose a Door-to-Door Salesman

There are some companies that knock on doors, comment on roofing damage, then offer to fix it. While this sounds harmless, it usually involves high-pressure sales techniques that make you feel like you’ve been forced into signing an agreement for them to fix your roof. This means you won’t have time to research the company, consider its reputation, or get additional bids. This isn’t something that great companies do.

Get Everything in Writing

When your roofing contractor tells you how much work needs doing, how much it’ll cost, and how long it’ll take, make sure they write it all down for you. This helps you create clear expectations. It also ensures that your needs are met.

Always Maintain Open Lines of Communication

Being able to communicate with your contractor is important because you don’t want to be in the dark regarding your project. You also want to make sure that the company you work with promptly responds to your messages and thoroughly answers all your questions. If they can’t do this, you shouldn’t trust them to fix the roof that covers your family’s head.

When you’re looking for someone you can trust to take care of your roofing needs for you, make sure you should look no further than the professionals at Done Rite Roofing Inc. They’re there for you when you need a roofing contractor. Once you contact them you can rest assured you’re in capable hands.