Top 5 Causes of Roof Damage As Per Roofing Contractors

Top 5 Causes of Roof Damage As Per Roofing Contractors

A damaged roof can lead to more problems for your home and people living in the house. Every year, many homeowners consult a roofing contractor for roof repairs.  Many factors tend to weaken your roof, and before getting these damages repaired, it is advisable to get them inspected by a contractor. Also, most homeowners ignore the causes of roof damage and this can result to more problems in the future. Here are some common causes of roof damage:

  1. Poor Maintenance – When you ignore regular maintenance and inspection checks on your roof, you will end up facing many problems, leaks, and damages. All the damages can be repaired with low or no cost at the earlier stage, but ignoring the repair can lead to serious damage that will go beyond control.
  2. Hail Damage- A harsh hailstorm can displace the granules from the shingle’s surface which can eventually damage the roof. The granules help to protect the asphalt layer that is present underneath the shingles from sun’s exposure. Lack of these granules can lead to ultraviolet rays that can quickly attack the asphalt layer.
  3. Wind Damage- Wind can expose the nails, shingles and other roofing materials. When you experience such situations, a little blow of wind tends to lift those loosen shingles which can lead to major damage to the roof. Roof repair occurs due to the hail and wind that bring serious damage to the roof.
  4. Weather conditions- Other weather conditions like rain, snow, ice, humidity, and sun gradually damage your roofs. Chemicals and pollutants present in the air damage the material that is present in the shingles element.
  5. Lack of proper installation- It is essential to get your roof repaired or installed by an experienced roofing contractor. However, this will make a great impact compared to roofs that are not properly installed. Roof repair must be done by a professional.

Roofs get damaged with time, and as a homeowner, it is your duty to embark on regular maintenance checks to know more about the overall condition of your roof. If you have any problem with your roof, you can contact a professional roofing contractor as soon as possible.

We, at DONE RITE ROOFING INC, have been ranked among the best leading professionals that offer roof repair in the United States. If you want to get your roof repaired or installed, you can contact us today.